Author: annette
BEO Project Needs Analysis Synthesis
BEO Project Launches its Needs Analysis Synthesis Report in Bucharest, Romania The BEO Project (Business Engagement Odyssey) launched their Needs Analysis Synthesis Report in Bucharest, Romania,. The goals of the Needs Analysis were to: (1) gain insights into current employer engagement training, (2) identify key competencies, knowledge, and skills for effective employer engagement, and (3)…
BEO Project (Business Engagement Odyssey)
Association of Supported Employment Europe (ASEE) is very excited to be a partner in the BEO Project (Business Engagement Odyssey) a two-year (1/11/2023 – 31/10/2025) project funded under EU Erasmus+ Programme. The aim of the BEO Project is to develop specialised training programme to improve Supported Employment Professional’s employer engagement skills. The project will combine…
Social inclusion in workinglife – Nordic Perspective Webinar
Register here! When? Wed 19th of March from 12 to 14.30 Where? Teams Join our Nordic webinar on social inclusion for people with disabilities in working life! This event will provide a comprehensive overview of the current situation in Nordic countries, backed by recent research findings. Despite progress, social inclusion and responsibility often overlook individuals with disabilities.…
The Zero Project Conference 2025: Employment, and ICT
The Zero Project Conference 2025 (#ZeroCon25)! The annual Zero Project Conference has become a unique global meeting place to innovate for disability inclusion. Every year, more than 1,000 participants from 100 countries attend the conference at the United Nations Office in Vienna. Innovation, impact, and scalability: sharing solutions for disability inclusion The conference agenda will be centred…
Over 100 Organizations Urge Lahbib to “keep the momentum” on disability rights
Over 100 Organizations Urge Commissioner Lahbib to “Maintain Momentum” on Disability RightsConcerns Grow Over Lack of Action in the EU Disability Rights Strategy Over 100 European disability organizations, including ASEE, have urged European Commissioner for Equality, Hadja Lahbib, to renew and update the EU Disability Rights Strategy. This appeal, shared in an open letter published…
The Story of Leonhard Ley, participant of an Access programme
“Working at a museum is like a dream come true.“ My name is Leonhard Ley, I have Down’s syndrome and I have been working at the Rundfunkmuseum Fürth for ten years now. Most of my school years I spent in a co-operative class at a regular school, where I learnt together with non-disabled children. As…
The 15th European Supported Employment Congress, held on June 5-7, 2024
The 15th European Supported Employment Congress, held on June 5-7, 2024, at Port Aventura Convention Center in Tarragona, brought together 580 participants from 30 countries from over the world. With 77 presentations covering a wide range of topics, the congress focused on promoting labor inclusion for individuals with disabilities and those at risk of social…
We have the talent!“ – Unterstützte Beschäftigung in EuropaEindrücke von der EUSE-Tagung im Juni 2024 und Informationen zu unserem europäischenDachverband. EUSE heißt jetzt ASEE.
Article in impulse (journal of the German Association for Supported Employment) no. 100
Vienna declaration