
  • BEO Project Needs Analysis Synthesis

    BEO Project Launches its Needs Analysis Synthesis Report in Bucharest, Romania The BEO Project (Business Engagement Odyssey) launched their Needs Analysis Synthesis Report in Bucharest, Romania,. The goals of the Needs Analysis were to: (1) gain insights into current employer engagement training, (2) identify key competencies, knowledge, and skills for effective employer engagement, and (3)…

  • BEO Project (Business Engagement Odyssey)

    Association of Supported Employment Europe (ASEE) is very excited to be a partner in the BEO Project (Business Engagement Odyssey) a two-year (1/11/2023 – 31/10/2025) project funded under EU Erasmus+ Programme.    The aim of the BEO Project is to develop specialised training programme to improve Supported Employment Professional’s employer engagement skills. The project will combine…

  • Social inclusion in workinglife – Nordic Perspective Webinar

    Register here! When? Wed 19th of March from 12 to 14.30 Where? Teams Join our Nordic webinar on social inclusion for people with disabilities in working life! This event will provide a comprehensive overview of the current situation in Nordic countries, backed by recent research findings. Despite progress, social inclusion and responsibility often overlook individuals with disabilities.…